Professional Security

Professional Security magazine has the largest circulation of any magazine covering the UK private security industry – some 10,000 copies.
Our readers – your customers – come from the whole of the security industry – end users, installers, manufacturers, distributors, consultants and specifiers.
We are recognised as the market leaders as we receive more display advertising support and produce a higher pagination than any of our competitors. The magazine continues to contain the largest directory of suppliers and services in the industry, with 300 advertisers in this section and on our website. Our recruitment section is regarded as the one to watch with the most important vacancies advertised here.
We have a winning formula, that we have adapted over the years to move with the times. That’s why in 2012 we began the ST series of events, that have grown gradually in terms of number of events over the year and their spread over the British Isles. A new venture for us in 2022 was seven in the year, adding Wales, including two ST events in one week – in Belfast and then Dublin. It keeps working for us, our exhibitors and our visitors, so we’re doing the same again this year. Visit one (or more!?) and see for yourself.
Our website offers a first class service where you will find up to date industry news and you can sign up to our free e-newsletter too. There are a number of web-based advertising opportunities available – see later in this pack. And take a look at our Linkedin group – feel free to become a member! We’re past 13,000 as of November 2022, and counting.