Support and Protect Our Frontline Security Professionals Across the UK

At IPSA, we recognize the significant challenges posed by the ongoing unrest across the UK, and the impact it has on our frontline security officers. Your role is crucial in safeguarding our communities, and we stand in solidarity with you during these difficult times. We understand the emotional toll these events can take on individuals.…

EY Foundation Secure Futures

A sector collaboration to help diverse young people access careers in the security industry. The EY Foundation is an independent UK charity, born out of EY in 2014. We support young people from low-income backgrounds, using their eligibility for free school meals (FSM) as a core criterion for our programmes. Click here to download our…

First-ever Guidance for Security and Media Engagement

The International Security Professional Association (IPSA) launches the first ever guidelines for engagement between private security officers and journalists, developed in collaboration with the National Union of Journalists (NUJ). The IPSA-NUJ Guidance was launched on the 17th March 2022 at the Patrons Event held by IPSA to acknowledge and celebrate the contributions made by its…

IPSA – The Newsletter (Issue 1 • September 2021)

Company Member Newsletter Now that things are beginning to open up, we look forward to getting out and meeting the IPSA members, founders and our industry colleagues. Click the button below to download Issue 1. Founder Newsletter The ‘Founders’ are a special group that supported the concept of promoting the Front-line in order that we…

New IPSA Chair promises radical new approach for front-line security staff

Frontline security and technical workers in the UK are to be offered free membership of the International Professional Security Association (IPSA) as part of a radical shake-up. The move is just one of a raft of changes aimed at revolutionising the UK’s longest established security association and was agreed at this year’s AGM on Wednesday…