The National Association for Healthcare Security (NAHS) is ‘the professional body representing healthcare security’. NAHS is a free-to-join, not-for-profit organisation, managed by a Board of Directors (NAHS Ltd Company Registration 13242341) and an Executive Team.
Our aims and objectives are all Healthcare Security Sector Specific (HSSS) and include:
Lastly, our annual conference, a two-day/evening event, provides delegates with a range of healthcare security sector-specific presentations from leading subject matter experts. There is also a comprehensive exhibition area, where many leading developers and manufacturers showcase their products.
To work with Govt. Departments, regulatory and supervisory bodies. To develop a comprehensive programme of healthcare security management standards and audit and assurance framework.
To create and identify, healthcare security sector-specific training for its members. So, whether you are a Healthcare Security Officer (HCSO), Healthcare Security Manager or Director (HCSM/D), there is a structured academic career pathway for you to follow.
Via our website, members can network with like-minded healthcare security professionals, access subject matter experts, relevant legislation, presentations, and best practice guidance documents. There is also a ‘Chat Room’ to raise questions or discuss relevant issues amongst peers. In addition, we publish a monthly magazine covering hot topics and links to membership offers.